May 30, 2020
I went to Fluvanna and Louisa Counties this morning and enjoyed some sun in between the clouds as they streamed past. The morning was enjoyable with two unexpected species, one a Sandhill Crane and the other a nice Black Bear. I also enjoyed a few odes and some butterflies.
- Sandhill Crane in Louisa County, VA
- Black Bear in Fluvanna County, VA
- Dragonhunter in Fluvanna County, VA
May 26, 2020
I ventured out to both Augusta and Highland Counties this morning. I made the effort just to “get out of the house”. In Highland County, Spring is still coming at higher elevation as many trees continue to go into leaf. The big disappointment of my day was the continuing “clearing” of thickets on many properties in Highland County. At two of my most consistent and convenient Willow Flycatcher sites their habitat is history.
In Highland County, the highlights for me were Golden-winged Warbler (2), one in the eastern part of the county and the other down hill from their customary residence near the West Virginia line. I also enjoyed finding a Smooth Green Snake and seeing my FOY Common Ringlet.
In Augusta County, things were still slow with odes but I did observe my FOY Double-striped Bluet at Braley Pond (which just opened over the weekend). Odes at Braley Pond were minimal with Lancet Clubtails and Common Baskettail literally emerging and Blue Corporals, Eastern and Fragile Forktails being the other most numerous species. The highlight of my day was finding was appeared to be two (2) Pepper and Salt Skippers up the trail from Braley Pond.
- Golden-winged Warbler in eastern Highland County, VA
- Smooth Green Snake in Highland County, VA
- Apparent Pepper and Salt Skipper at Braley Pond, VA
- Double-striped Bluet at Braley Pond, VA
May 19, 2020
I had to get out of the house this morning after the dreary day we had yesterday. I traveled into southwestern Hanover County to a couple of sites I have had Dickcissels in the past. As I pulled up to the first site I heard 2 and possibly 3 singing Dickcissels. Also present were 4 Bobolink and 3 or so Grasshopper Sparrows. A couple of marginal photographs of the Dickcissels are below.
- Dickcissel in southwestern Hanover County, VA
- Dickcissel in southwestern Hanover County, VA
May 16, 2020
I was up toward Caroline County and decided to stop at one of my favorite ponds. I encountered several Double-ringed Pennants but none of other desired species that can be found at this spot.
- Double-ringed Pennant in Caroline County, VA
- Double-ringed Pennant in Caroline County, VA
May 13, 2020
Today, I visited western Goochland and Fluvanna Counties. Migration overnight was up a tick over the last several days. Migrant warblers (20 species) were present as well as a Lincoln’s Sparrow. Breeding birds presented well for a couple of photographic opportunities.
- Lincoln’s Sparrow in Goochland County, VA
- Wilson’s Warbler in Fluvanna County, VA
- Black-throated Green Warbler in Fluvanna County, VA
- Chestnut-sided Warbler in Fluvanna County, VA
- Louisiana Waterthrush in Fluvanna County, VA
- Wood Thrush in Fluvanna County, VA
May 10, 2020
I got out today and traveled into Goochland and Fluvanna Counties. Birding activity was good but photographs were challenging to come by. Highlights for me were Blackburnian, Bay-breasted and Wilson’s Warblers plus several Bank Swallows.
- Barn, Bank and Cliff Swallows in Goochland County, VA
- The experience of “warbler neck” when we all are looking up 90 degrees for those fleeting moments of a warbler (Cape May).
Dragonflies along the James River are now dominated by Cobra Clubtails. A minimum of 300+ were observed today. This quantity makes locating more interesting clubtails much more challenging (Spine-crowned, Green-faced, Splendid, Rapids).
- Example of massing Cobra Clubtails along the James River in Virginia
- Spine-crowned Clubtail (female) along the James River, VA
May 9, 2020
I returned to Powhatan State Park (PSP) today and then made a couple of stops in Goochland County. Migrating warblers continue enjoyable and the Bobolink males were very vigorous in their vocalizations and demonstrations at PSP.
- Bobolink at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Bobolinks at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Wilson’s Warbler in Goochland County, VA
- Chestnut-sided Warbler at Powhatan State Park, VA
- American Redstart in Goochland County, VA
- Prothonotary Warbler in Goochland County, VA
- Black and White Warbler in Powhatan State Park, VA
May 8, 2020
I visited Powhatan State Park (PSP) this morning. Migratory species observed/heard included Magnolia, Cape May, Black-throated Blue and Canada Warblers, Northern Waterthrush and both Veery and Swainson’s Thrush. Also present were a couple of small flocks of Bobolinks.
After leaving PSP, I went to Beaumont Correctional and got better looks at Bobolinks in the field north of the unit.
- Swainson’s Thrush in Powhatan State Park, VA
- Veery at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Cape May Warbler at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Magnolia Warbler at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Canada Warbler at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Baltimore Oriole at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Bobolink in field in Powhatan County, VA
May 7, 2020
I traveled to various sites within Goochland and Fluvanna Counties. Good numbers still abound for Scarlet Tanagers and migrating warblers. The highlights of the day involved seeing/hearing Canada, Cape May, Magnolia, Wilson’s and Chestnut-sided Warblers. Early morning did not offer good photographic opportunities for many of the warblers but a couple of later morning images are below.
- Canada Warbler in Fluvanna County, VA
- Cape May Warbler in Fluvanna County, VA
May 5, 2020
What an enjoyable day! Birds were very active in both Goochland and Powhatan Counties. I visited several sites in Goochland and visited Powhatan State Park in Powhatan. Species on the move in good numbers were Scarlet Tanagers (at least 10 in single tree at Powhatan State Park- 8 males & 2 females), Black-throated Blue Warblers and Chestnut-sided Warblers. The highlights for me were Blue-winged, Golden-winged and Canada Warbler. In total twenty or so species of warbler were observed.
- Blue-winged Warbler in Goochland County, VA
- Golden-winged Warbler in Powhatan State Park, VA
- Chestnut-sided Warbler in Powhatan State Park, VA
- Veery in Powhatan State Park, VA
- Scarlet Tanager in Powhatan State Park, VA
- Black-throated Blue Warbler at Powhatan State Park, VA
- Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Powhatan State Park, VA
May 4, 2020
Today ended up being Cape May Warbler day. At one stop alone I had 6 Cape May Warblers singing and feeding in amongst the trees in Fluvanna County.
- Cape May Warbler in Fluvanna County, VA
- Cape May Warbler in Fluvanna County, VA
May 2, 2020
I traveled to both Goochland and Fluvanna Counties this morning. New bird species for the year were Eastern Wood-Pewee, Magnolia Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler and Yellow-billed Cuckoo.
In Fluvanna County, I encountered six (6) Northern Watersnakes, including a breeding pair.
I also had my first documented record of Aurora Damsel with a conservative four (4) observed.
- Aurora Damsel in Fluvanna County, VA
- Breeding pair of Northern Watersnake in Fluvanna County, VA
May 1, 2020
I went east of Richmond this morning to King William County. As has been “my luck” this Spring the rain continued to follow me. I did encounter a vigorously singing Sedge Wren before a heavy band of rain set in. On my way home, I traveled through West Point and encountered a couple of Clapper Rails.
- Clapper Rail at West Point, VA
April 29, 2020
I got out to Goochland and Fluvanna Counties this morning. Overnight bird migration brought in some obvious increased numbers of several species (Acadian Flycatcher, American Redstart & Black-throated Blue Warblers).
I then visited several sites along the James River and continued to see Spine-crowned, Green-faced, Cobra and Lancet Clubtails.
- Green-faced Clubtail- female
April 27, 2020
I visited Southampton and Sussex Counties this morning. The highlight for me was two (2) Caspian Terns flying from Southampton to Sussex County. I also had a couple of Cocoa Clubtails.
- Broad-winged Hawk in Sussex County, VA
- Kentucky Warbler in Sussex County, VA
- Cocoa Clubtail from Sussex County, VA
April 22, 2020
Finally a fully sunny day, even though the temperatures did start out at freezing this morning. I made my way to various areas in Goochland and Fluvanna Counties and had some enjoyable sightings. The highlights for me were a couple of Green-faced Clubtails and several adult St. Croix Snaketails. In total I had eleven species of odonates with a few expected misses. I also enjoyed a good complement of butterflies with my highlight being a Juniper Hairstreak.
- Green-faced Clubtail- female
- Green-faced Clubtail- sub genital plate
- Green-faced Clubtail- a look at their “twisted” occipital horns
- St. Croix Snaketail- female
- Juniper Hairstreak
April 19, 2020
I made my way to Fluvanna County for a little “odeing” after birding some in both Goochland and Cumberland Counties. The weather held out until about a little after 11 a.m. I only managed seven (7) species by that time but one was my 4th adult St. Croix/Chesepeake Snaketail, a male. I also had my FOY Gemmed Satyrs.
- Adult male St. Croix/Chesapeake Snaketail in Fluvanna County, VA
- Adult male St. Croix/Chesapeake Snaketail in Fluvanna County, VA
- Adult male St. Croix/Chesapeake Snaketail in Fluvanna County, VA
- Gemmed Satyr in Fluvanna County, VA
April 12, 2020
I made it briefly into Fluvanna County this morning before overcast skies became the norm. I encountered 55+ Spine-crowned Clubtails and a newly emerged Cocoa Clubtail.
- Spine-crowned Clubtail in Fluvanna County, VA
- Cocoa Clubtail- male; Fluvanna County, VA
April 11, 2020
I visited Goochland County about mid-morning today and found two (2) Spine-crowned Clubtails.
- Spine-crowned Clubtail in Goochland County VA
- Spine-crowned Clubtail in Goochland County VA
April 6, 2020
I visited a couple of locations in Powhatan County and one in Goochland this morning. Birding activity was as expected with some breeding warblers and vireos present. A Vesper Sparrow was noted on the perimeter road at Beaumont Correctional Center in Powhatan. My FOS Ashy Clubtail was noted in Goochland and a teneral St. Croix Snaketail was noted in Powhatan at the boat launch.
- Vesper Sparrow in Powhatan County, VA
- Teneral St. Croix Snaketail in Powhatan County, VA
April 5, 2020- Catch-up
I have gotten lazy about updating photographs and so with today I am going to post a few of odonates and butterflies from the last several weeks. All of the photographs are from either Sussex or Powhatan Counties.
- Various St. Croix Snaketails from Powhatan County, VA
- Various St. Croix Snaketails from Powhatan County, VA
- Various St. Croix Snaketails from Powhatan County, VA
- Springtime Darner from Powhatan County, VA
- Robust Basketball from Sussex County, VA
- Falcate Orangetip in Sussex County, VA
- Clouded Sulphur in Powhatan County, VA
March 19, 2020
I visited Sussex County this morning. I finally encountered some Spring time birds with Yellow-throated Warbler and Louisiana Waterthrush being seen and heard on several occasions. The one surprise this morning was observing and photographing an adult Yellow-crowned Night-Heron flying adjacent to the Nottaway River.
- Yellow-crowned Night-Heron in Sussex County, VA
- Some of a large flock of Turkey in Sussex County, VA
Below is a recording of the Louisiana Waterthrush.
March 5, 2020
I got out for a short while this morning visiting Prince George County with little to note. On my way home, I quickly traveled through Shirley Plantation in Charles City County and observed the adult Red-tailed Hawk (abeiticola) presenting well in flight. I also noted the Sedge Wren continuing to call.
- Adult Northern Red-tailed Hawk (abeiticola) in flight in Charles City County, VA