June 2021

June 21, 2021

I visited Prince George County, the Blackwater Swamp, with the principal focus of trying to observe Gray-Green Clubtail previously observed this week by Larry Lynch and found originally by him last year at this site.  This was my third visit to the site this year, with the first two I arrived at approximately 11:30 a.m.  Since Larry had observed the clubtail earlier in the morning ,I arrived at ~10:00 a.m.  Within 5 minutes, I noted a Gray-Green Clubtail to the north of the bridge perched on a leaf in the water.  It flew several times and landed and a variety of leaves, all in the water, during my visit.   I then looked again to the south of the bridge and noted a 2nd distance Gray-Green Clubtail on a lily pad about 100+/- feet away.

Earlier in the morning in Sussex County, I heard and observed at least two (2) Red-cockaded Woodpeckers.  While there I enjoyed a feeding Eastern Wood-Pewee at close range followed by a nice male Summer Tanager at point blank range.  Also observed this morning were two separate pair of hen Turkeys with young.  A total of at least 24+ poults were shared between the four (4) hens.

June 28, 2021

I visited Sussex and Prince George Counties this morning with the increasing heat and humidity.  I noted Mocha Emeralds in good numbers with a scattering of Treetop Emeralds flying.  I also had a female Cyrano Darner which for me is unusual in that most I observe are always male.

I observed the largest Northern Watersnake I have ever seen about noon.  It’s girth was easily that of my forearm and nearing that of my calf.

June 23 & 24, 2021

I visited Highland County over the last couple of days principally focused on odonates but was fortunate enough to encounter many other species from various groups.  The weather was wonderful with lows in the 40’s and highs in the low to mid- 60’s.

The highlights for me were finding an Alder Flycatcher nest with egg, seeing Northern Pygmy Clubtail once again with Riffle Snaketail and Sedge Sprite next in line.

Northern Pygmy Clubtail 1   Dot-tailed Whiteface 6
Least Clubtail 3   Chalk-fronted Skimmer 7
Lancet Clubtail 6   Common Whitetail 12
Ashy Clubtail 2   Blue Dasher 1
Unicorn Clubtail 3   Common Baskettail 8
Riffle Snaketail 1   Powdered Dancer 4
Common Green Darner 6   Hagen’s Bluet 4
Painted Skimmer 2   Aurora Damsel 1
Twelve-spotted Skimmer 5   Eastern Red Damsel 6
Spangled Skimmer 6   Sedge Sprite 1
Widow Skimmer  4   Eastern Forktail 8
Ruby Meadowhawk 6   Fragile Forktail 2
Swamp Spreadwing 2   Slender Spreadwing 4

June 21, 2021

I spent some time today in Tuckahoe Creek Park relaxing and taking some photographs.  The weather continues humid with temperatures rising into the lower 90’s.   Several marsh and wetland flowers were in bloom and many of the common dragonflies were making themselves visible.

In a couple of the photographs presented, you will notice that both the Blue Dasher and the Eastern Amberwing dragonflies are obilisking.  This is a position where the dragonfly holds its abdomen vertical to the thorax to reduce the amount of surface exposed to the sun and reduce heat gain.

June 20, 2021

I went to Fluvanna County this morning with the intent on observing Blackwater Clubtail, which I have not seen YTD.  The weather was mostly overcast with a peak of sun here and there.  Temperatures started at 73 degrees with high humidity.

On my travel from western Henrico to Fluvanna I encountered four (4) Box Turtles of which three (3) were alive. (The three were moved off the road away from traffic.)

Clubtails were fairly plentiful this morning with Black-shouldered Spinylegs being the most common followed by Cobra Clubtail.  Damselflies continue to increase each week.

Black-shouldered Spinyleg 70
Cobra Clubtail 45
Dragonhunter 2
Eastern Ringtail 6
Blackwater Clubtail 1
Common Whitetail 4
Eastern Pondhawk 2
Blue Dasher 2
Prince Baskettail 3
Swamp Darner 1
Cruiser species 1
American Rubyspot 2
Powdered Dancer 14
Blue-fronted Dancer 50
Blue-ringed Dancer 12
Blue-tipped Dancer 8

June 16, 2021

I visited Fluvanna and Goochland Counties this morning in search of odes.  It was an enjoyable morning with the highlights being observing two different Dragonhunters that had preyed on both a Cobra Clubtail and a Black-shouldered Spinyleg.

June 13, 2021

I visited Amherst, Fluvanna and Goochland Counties today with a friend, Grace.  We enjoyed a casual walk along the Virginia Blue Ridge Railway Trail.  When we departed we noted a female Common Merganser resting on the rocks in the Piney River.  While traveling and visiting in both Fluvanna and Goochland Counties we noted a beautiful Northern Watersnake and both a Brown Snake and Northern Ring-necked Snake.

June 5, 2021

I visited some areas of Southampton and Sussex Counties today.  The weather has turned and temperatures and humidity are starting to rise. 

I spent most of my time looking for odonates but did enjoy an occasional sighting from some birds, butterflies and other critters.

The most unusual observation today was a three damselfly mating attempt?  Three Blue-tipped Dancers were “locked up like a freight train” with one male clasped to another male who was clasped to a female.  I did not realize that one male could clasp another male as you would think the structure wouldn’t be present on a male for that purpose?

To see another unusual mating pattern, I photographed two male Stream Cruisers clasped together in April 17, 2016.  You can see that photograph under the category Outings-2016-April 2016.

Another nice observation was the feeding frenzy put on by Swamp Darners (10+) and one Cyrano Darner on emerging flying ants.  A continual stream of the ants were flying upward with the darners criss crossing back and forth actively feeding.