I visited northwestern Montana from August 19-26. It was a wonderful retreat from the heat and humidity of the east coast (Virginia) as I was greeted with temperatures ranging from 44-75 degrees and dew points of 45% or less. I flew in the Great Falls on this trip in contrast to past trips in which I flew into Kalispell. The addition of time on the eastern slope of the Rockies was beneficial in seeing new areas (for me) and the potential benefit for additional avian, mammal or odonate species.
Along the way I encountered many interesting people from families out for a daily outing, to individuals biking up the “Going to the Sun” road to Logan Pass, to a young lady from France, who was hitchhiking Glacier National Park and heading toward Washington State to a young couple from Denmark to several individuals enjoying their first encounter with Moose.
Individuals Having Fun:
- French Moose
- Getting into the Act
- Moose Time 1
- Biking Up Going to the Sun- Logan Pass Goal
Mammals Observed:
- Columbian Ground Squirrel
- Columbian Ground Squirrel
- Mountain Goat
- Mountain Goat
- Mountain Goat
- Grizzly Bear
- Grizzly Bear chowing down on berries
- Female Moose in Glacier National Park
- Female Moose in Glacier National Park
- Snowshoe Hare from northwestern Montana
Some of the Bird species observed during the visit:
- Short-eared Owl from Freezout WMA
- Yellow-headed Blackbirds near Freezout WMA
- Baird’s Sandpiper
- Baird’s Sandpiper
- Brewer’s Blackbird- male
- Brewer’s Blackbird- female
- Ferruginous Hawk- light juvenile
- Ferruginous Hawk- light adult
- McCown’s Longspur
- McCown’s Longspur
- McCown’s Longspur
- White-winged Crossbill- Glacier National Park, Montana
- Western Wood-Pewee
- Chestnut-sided Chickadee
- Gray Partridge
- Olive-sided Flycatcher
- Swainson’s Hawk
Views from Glacier National Park & other northwestern Montana locations:
- View from Going to the Sun Road
- View from Going to the Sun Road
- View from Going to the Sun Road
- View from Going to the Sun Road
- View from Going to the Sun Road
- View from Marston Lookout
- Montana 2016
- Montana 2016
- Waterfalls and features, Glacier National Park
- Waterfalls and features, Glacier National Park
- Waterfalls and features, Glacier National Park
- Waterfalls and features, Glacier National Park