August 25, 2020
I returned to Highland County today with a landowner being generous in allowing me access to their property. It was my first time on the property and so I did not know what to fully expect. The day itself was a mix of sun, clouds, occasional minor sprinkles of rain and higher heat and humidity than are normal for the county, but it still proved very enjoyable and rewarding. New species for the year were White-faced Meadowhawk and Ocellated Darner. I also got to enjoy three (3) Ski-tipped Emeralds and many Ruby Meadowhawks.
- Ski-tipped Emerald in Highland County, VA
- Ski-tipped Emerald in Highland County, VA
- Ocellated Darner in Highland County, VA
- Ocellated Darner in Highland County, VA
- Ruby Meadowhawks in wheel in Highland County, VA
- Ruby Meadowhawk in Highland County, VA
August 18, 2020
The stars aligned with what appeared to be at least 1/2+ day of sunshine for northwestern Highland County, Virginia and an attempt at some odonates. I arrived at approximately 8:30 a.m. under sunny skies and 57 degree temperatures. The skies remained sunny until 9:30 at which time they became partly cloudy with the clouds streaming by quickly but not really offering any challenge for odes to be out and about.
Highlights for the trip were several Ski-tipped Emeralds, Great Spreadwings (possibly the 1st county records), Clamp-tipped Emeralds, American Emeralds and both emerged and emerging Shadow Darners.
- Ski-tipped Emerald (male) in Highland County, VA
- Ski-tipped Emerald (male) in Highland County, VA
- Great Spreadwing (female) in Highland County, VA
- Great Spreadwing (male) in Highland County, VA
- Amber-winged Spreadwing (female) in Highland County, VA
- Clamp-tipped Emerald (male) in Highland County, VA
- Newly emerged Shadow Darner (female) in Highland County, VA
- Ruby Meadowhawk in Highland County, VA
Disappointment for the trip was finding what appeared to be an intentionally killed Timber Rattlesnake for the sole purpose of obtaining it’s rattle!
- Apparent intentionally killed Timber Rattlesnake for the “rattle”
August 10/11, 2020
I traveled to the West Virginia/Maryland border for a visit to both Cranesville Swamp Preserve (WV) and Garrett County (MD). The trip proved to be both enjoyable and relaxing with birds, odonates and plants abounding. From a personal perspective, the most enjoyable observation was observing my first Zebra Clubtails in Garrett County.
- Cranesville Swamp Preserve boardwalk entry
- Northern Pitcher Plant at Cranesville Swamp Preserve, WV
- Round-leaved Sundew at Cranesville Swamp Preserve, WV
- Northern Red Salamander at Cranesville Swamp Preserve, WV
- Zebra Clubtail in Garrett County, MD
July 27, 2020
I ventured back to Sussex County, VA this morning for more effort toward emeralds. To my enjoyment I netted five (5) Treetop Emeralds, all male, as I traveled the backroads of the county. All individuals were patrolling at about 4-8 feet off the ground and so netting was more reasonable than any other day I have ever had. The only other emerald species for the day was Mocha. Needless to say this was the single day maxima I have ever had.
- Treetop Emerald, male, in Sussex County, VA
- Treetop Emerald, male, in Sussex County, VA
- Treetop Emerald, male, in Sussex County, VA
- Treetop Emerald, male, in Sussex County, VA
July 18, 2020
I returned to Sussex County today for another try at emeralds. This week I was only able to observe three (3) species: Treetop, Fine-lined and Mocha Emeralds.
- Treetop Emerald (male) in Sussex County, VA
- Treetop Emerald (male) in Sussex County, VA
- Fine-lined Emerald (male) in Sussex County, VA
- Fine-lined Emerald (male) in Sussex County, VA
July 14, 2020
I went to Maple Flats in Augusta County today. The weather was cooperative with sunny skies and “reasonable” summer temperatures. The highlights were observing a couple of Fawn Darners, both female; Southern Sprites and a couple of Spotted Spreadwings.
- Fawn Darner, female, at Maple Flats, Augusta County, VA
- Southern Sprite, male, Maple Flats, Augusta County, VA
- Southern Sprite, male, Maple Flats, Augusta County, VA
- Spotted Spreadwing, male, at Maple Flats, Augusta County, VA
July 12, 2020
I traveled to Sussex County this morning to specifically look for emeralds. While I missed netting and/or observing many for confirmed identity, I did have four (4) emerald species for the day. The highlights were both a Fine-lined Emerald (male), a continuing(?) Treetop Emerald (female) and my first of year Clamp-tipped Emerald and continuing Mocha Emeralds. For anyone who has not observed Treetop Emerald there appears to be a female “routinely” perching on a limb as you park at Cherry Orchard Bog Natural Area Preserve entrance. (I placed a small orange fishing bobber on the pine tree on the left as you enter that denotes the tree. The first large limb of this tree overhanging the entrance is where she will perch about 2/3rds of the way out after a flight of the area. Time of day has been about 11:00-11:45 a.m.)
- Fine-lined Emerald (male)in Sussex County, VA
- Fine-lined Emerald (male)in Sussex County, VA
- Treetop Emerald (female) , continuing, in Sussex County, VA
- Clamp-tipped Emerald (male) in Sussex County, VA
- Clamp-tipped Emerald (male) in Sussex County, VA
- Mocha Emerald (female) in Sussex County, VA
- Mocha Emerald (female) in Sussex County, VA
July 9, 2020
I visited Highland County at a location I had not worked thoroughly for Odonates previously. I was disappointed in only observing a few species and reduced numbers. The highlights of the day were several Ruffed Grouse, a Black Bear and a few butterflies.
- Ruffed Grouse (female) in Highland County, VA
- Ruffed Grouse (male) in Highland County, VA
- Eastern Red Damsels in wheel in Highland County, VA
- Peck’s Skipper in Highland County, VA
July 5, 2020
I returned this evening to West Creek in Goochland County. I encountered more emeralds tonight than a couple of days ago but still all proved to be Mocha. Both male and female were caught. A couple of images of one of the males follow. (Its pretty hard not to enjoy those bright green eyes.)
- Mocha Emerald (male) in Goochland County, VA
- Mocha Emerald (male) in Goochland County, VA
July 3, 2020
I enjoyed a visit to Sussex County, VA this morning. While the weather was sunny and humid there were some odes around to enjoy. The highlights for me was a female Treetop Emerald and some Yellow-sided Skimmers. (I was very fortunate on the female Treetop Emerald as I observed it land high up in a pine tree near my car and it allowed me to get my larger lens for the photograph.) I also photographed a Six-lined RaceRunner which rarely allow me to hardly see them much less photograph them.
- Treetop Emerald (female) in Sussex County, VA
- Yellow-sided Skimmer (female) in Sussex County, VA
- Yellow-sided Skimmer (immature male) in Sussex County, VA
- Six-lined RaceRunner in Sussex County, VA
During the early evening, I went to West Creek in Goochland County to look for emeralds. I encountered three (3) Mocha Emeralds and netted one for photographs.
- Mocha Emerald (female) in Goochland County, VA
- Mocha Emerald (female) in Goochland County, VA
July 1, 2020
I went for a short walk in Goochland County, VA early this afternoon and took one of my cameras along. While I observed several common odes, the highlight for me was observing multiple female Unicorn Clubtails. While I see male Unicorn’s often, my encounters with multiple female Unicorn’s was unique.
- Female Unicorn Clubtail in Goochland County, VA
- Female Unicorn Clubtail in Goochland County, VA
June 26, 2020
I visited a couple of properties in Highland County today. The weather was cooperative for a change and several enjoyable species were encountered. Highlights included American Emerald, probable Northern Bluet (annexum), Chalk-fronted Corporals, Hagen’s Bluets and Long Dash Skipper.
- American Emerald in Highland County, VA
- Probable Northern Bluet (annexum)- male; Highland County, VA
- Chalk-fronted Corporal- female in Highland County, VA
- Brown Spiketail in Highland County, VA
- Long Dash Skipper in Highland County, VA
- Unicorn Clubtail in Highland County, VA
- Eudioctria brevis, a Robberfly, possibly the 1st for Highland County, VA
June 1-10 Update
I have attempted to make several trips during the first 10 days of the month as the weather has allowed. I have visited Fluvanna, Augusta, Highland and Sussex Counties in Virginia and “touched” Pocohantas County in West Virginia. The principal focus was on Odes but as the occasion presented I may have worked in another photograph or two of enjoyable observations.
- Cobra Clubtail in Fluvanna County, VA
- Black-shouldered Spinyleg in Fluvanna County, VA
- Dragonhunter in Fluvanna County, VA
- Splendid Clubtail in Fluvanna County, VA
- Blackwater Clubtail in Fluvanna County, VA
- Harpoon Clubtail in Highland County, VA
- Chalk-fronted Skimmer in Augusta County, VA
- Twelve-spotted Skimmer in Highland County, VA
- American Emerald in Augusta County, VA- male
- American Emerald in Augusta County, VA- female
- Dot-tailed Whiteface in Highland County, VA
- Double-ringed Pennant in Sussex County, VA
- Blue-faced Meadowhawk in Sussex County, VA
- Brown Spiketail in Highland County, VA
- Mourning Warbler in Pocohantas County, WV
- Ovenbird nest in Augusta County, VA
For those who might be interested, the Ovenbird got it’s name from the distinctive “oven shaped” nest it constructs.