White-faced Meadowhawk (Sympetrum obtrusum)
Identification: In the immature photographs below note the yellowish face, the legs being black and the wings with black veins, the abdomen is heavily marked with black from S4-S10 on the lateral side and marked with black on S8 & S9 on the dorsal side. In mature dragons note the white face, with the female acquiring a more brown coloration and the male acquiring red over the abdomen and much of the thorax.
Immature female-Highland County, Virginia |
Immature female- Highland County, Virginia |
Immature female- Highland County, Virginia |
Mature female- Highland County, Virginia |
Lateral view of Mature male- Highland County, Virginia |
Dorsal view of adult male- Highland County, Virginia |
Dorso-lateral view of Adult Male from Highland County, Virginia |