Stream Bluet (Enallagma exsulans)
Identification: Male- medium sized blue eyespots on head, thorax blue with large black lateral stripe, the abdomen is black with blue rings at the mid- segment and S9 being all blue. S8 is variable being all black dorsally to only about 1/2 covered dorsally in black.
Female- abdomen black with thin bluish rings almost encircling the abdomen dorsally; S9 has black "W" at base and S10 is blue. The thorax is variable with some individuals have black encasing the light brown stripes dorsally and laterally and others having the brown dorsally encased but with more extensive brown stripes laterally.
Male- City of Richmond, Virginia (Note only segment 9 completely blue) |
Male- as above |
Mated Pair- City of Richmond,
Virginia (Note on female the black "W" at base of segment 9 and the chesnut stripe sub-dividing the black stripe on the thorax) |
Female- Fluvanna County, Virginia |
Male (variant)- note black on S8 dorsally only half length of segment |
Female- note the thoracic variation between this and the next individual. The light brown coloration is enclosed in black. |
Female- Note more extensive light brown on thorax and lack of black encasing lateral brown stripe. |