Splendid Clubtail (Gomphus lineatifrons)


Identification: Male- A large clubtail whose club is narrow when observed dorsally but is vertically larger from lateral view; note the two lateral stripes on the thorax, the anterior stripe is always incomplete. The abdomen is largely black with S9 having a yellow spot laterally running the segment, S8 having a yellow spot to the anterior of the segment and variable to no yellow laterally on S4-7. On this individual yellow is present dorsally from S1-7 in diminishing amounts. The face has narrow black lines and the eyes are green. Lastly, note the mid-frontal black thoracic stripes are narrower than the adjacent greenish stripes.

Images of female in this column
Images of male in this column
splendid clubtail female lateral

Female lateral view
splendid clubtail male lateral

Male lateral view
splendid clubtail female face

Female face
splendid clubtail male face

Male face
splendid clubtail female sub-genital plate

Female sub-genital plate
splendid clubtail male dorsal

Male dorsal view
splendid clubtail female dorso-anterior

Female dorso lateral view
splendid clubtail dorso-lateral

Male dorso lateral view






copyright allen bryan 2011



copyright allen bryan 2011



copyright allen bryan 2011

Female- subgenital plate