Pale Bluet (Enallagma pallidum)

Identification: In the male the head and thorax are principally pale blue with thin black frontal and shoulder markings. The abdomen is principally black with S8-S10 being pale blue. The female thorax is pale blue to pale greenish with light brown shoulder markings. The abdomen is black except for S9, 10 being pale blue and S8 having a dark rectangular mark on the dorsal side for about half its pale blue length.

All images below are from Sussex County, Virginia during mid to late June.

copyright Allen Bryan 2009; Pale Bluet, Enallagma pallidum


copyright Allen Bryan 2009, Pale Bluet, Enallagma pallidum


copyright Allen Bryan 2009; Pale Bluet, Enallagma pallidum



copyright Allen Bryan 2009, Pale Bluet

Female depositing eggs

copyright Allen Bryan 2009, Pale Bluet

Pair in tandem