Cobra Clubtail (Gomphus vastus)

Identification: Note the broad club on both the male and female with the lateral spot on S9 being larger than the smaller anterior spot on S8. The face has heavy black stripes, the thorax has two lateral black stripes with the anterior stripe usually complete but with some regularity broken/incomplete, the legs are black and S8-S10 are black dorsally.

cobra clubtail male face

Male face
cobra clubtail lateral

Male lateral view
cobra clubtail male cerci

Male cerci
cobra clubtail dorsal view

Male dorsal view
cobra clubtail male lateral a

Male lateral view

Female- face

cobra clubtail female lateral

Female- lateral view
cobra clubtail female sub-genital plate

Female sub-genital plate
cobra clubtail female sub-genital plate lateral

Female sub-genital plate lateral view

Male- dorsolateral view

Male- dorsal view- note wide club

Immature Male (yellow hasn't turned olive green)- note the heavy facial stripes and complete lateral thoracic stripes

Female- Dorsal view- note the wide club and the mid-frontal thoracic stripes which are wider at anterior end and tapering at posterior end

Female- lateral view- note the broken lateral anterior thoracic stripe